June 24, 2024

Karystia needs our attention!

Karystia is the south prefecture of the second biggest Greek island after Crete, named Euboea. Observing Karystia from a distance one sees a dry Cycladic landscape where the Mountain Oche dominates. Many of Karystia’s hill and mountain tops give the impression of fortified castles.

The 1400 meters high Mt Oche hosts the megalithic construction called by the villagers Drakospito due to its inexplicable mythical origin, along with a series of other maybe more recent but equally impressive constructions.

Mountain Oche is surrounded by the sea from three sides. Its North slopes block the North winds creating a unique climate for the area, with intense winds, while trapping the sea moisture. Water streams and dozens of fountains carve its slopes all around it, 12 months a year.

No doubt why Mt Oche and Karystia have been a sacred place since the origins of civilization. Euboea (Healthy Cows in accurate translation) is the motherland of goddess Hera, the expression of air and wind. Hera’s step-brother, Centaur Cheiron, was the father of Karystos after whom the city was named.

Mythology says, Hera had her first sexual interaction with Zeus at the top of Mt Oche (Όχη-Oche, οχεία-ocheia, the name translates to “sexual act”). So at the top of Oche Zeus, the expression of sky (ουρανός) met Hera (the expression of air, wind (αέρας).

Karystia needs our attention!

This sacred place with its endless beauty, unique civilization, and History, is being arrogantly violated. It needs our attention and actions to limit, stop, or even reverse the occurred destructions.

It’s worth getting closer to Karystia, landing on the coast, walking through the vine and olive fields, entering the gorges, finding the springs and the chapels, observing the unique architecture, understanding the network of ancient stone paved trails, studying the overlapping antiquities, practicing the traditional activities, whistling the whistle language of Antia, dancing the Kavodoritiko.

The uniqueness of Karystia belongs to Humanity. Let’s resist wasting it in the name of short term profiteering.

The following photographs are from Cape Kafereas (Cavo D'Oro), Schizali, Amygdalia.

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Karystia, our secret place right next to Athens!

Can you imagine a Cycladic island having, along with its magnificent beaches even more, rivers, gorges, forests, a mountain 1400 meters high...